Jersey Sound Chorus Quartets

Jersey Sound Chorus is proud to have the following quartets associated with our chorus.  We endorse all of them as excellent singers and entertainers, suitable for any occasion...

The Jersey Girls

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The Jersey Girls

Meet The Jersey Girls!

Barbara Urban - Lead
Pat James - Tenor
Michele Foster - Baritone
Anna Kitz - Bass

The Jersey Girls started out performing Singing Valentines and evolved from there.  Thanks to all of you who have supported and encouraged us along our musical journey.   We are truly proud to be part of the loving family of Jersey Sound.

General public contact: Barbara Urban
Area of operation: South Jersey
State: New Jersey


JAMSession formed in the fall of 2022 with the intention of singing a holidy parody, but the ladies had so much fun they stayed together and registered as an official SAI quartet. After a change of baritones, the quartet had a lovely time delivering Singing Valentines and singing at the Jersey Sound Installation Banquet. Now renewed as JamSession, they are having fun perfecting their sound and performing!

Shannon Tallant - Lead
Mary Stansky - Tenor
Emily McGurk - Baritone
Joanne Miksit - Bass
General public contact: Joanne Miksit
State: NJ


What does RPM stand for? Revolutionaries for Pugilistic Melodies? Rowdy Party Mama’s? Really Pretty Music? We don’t know and we don’t care, we just love to sing together and we’d love to entertain you.

Betsy Lutz - Lead
Phyllis Fishbein - Tenor
Kathy Krantz - Baritone
Nancy Wellborn - Bass
General public contact: Phyllis Fishbein
Area of operation: Southern New Jersey, Philadelphia area
State: NJ

Copyright © 2024 Jersey Sound Chorus